The Art of Landing the Job You Want for the Pay You Want

By Aaliyah Holt

Over fourscore% of autistic adults are unemployed. Simply a modest percentage of us are working. Why is this? There are several reasons why we struggle with jobs. The lack of didactics on autism makes it difficult in life. We meet the earth in blackness and white. It's similar people are speaking a language y'all don't know. The way others teach is not how we learn, and it's very hard to thrive in a globe yous don't understand. Most of u.s.a. struggle with adulting. I know I do. My mom child shames me for it all the time. I feel equally though my mom shames me.

There are several reasons why chore hunting is a challenge. There is no set reason why nosotros struggle with job searches, landing a job and keeping it. In this blog I will point out the most mutual reasons.

Filling Out The Awarding

If you are looking for a task, you have to apply. You cannot walk in and enquire for a chore like in the movies. The application screening is the first struggle for autistic adults. Most applications have a questionnaire where it gives you a scenario and you have to choice the all-time answer. The person may misunderstand as to how the assessment volition determine if they're right for the job. (eg. avoid picking Ten too often). The bidder may non know how to answer the questions or know what the question is asking. The employer will not even consider you for the job if you do not laissez passer the questionnaire.

I applied to Walmart last year. Their application has the questionnaire. It even said I had to pass to be considered for the chore. I didn't know how to reply most of the questions and I did not pass the assessment. Therefore, they did not desire me. If that's the case, I can't become hired at places that do assessments on their applications. Retrieve, neurotypicals don't have the issues that we have. I watched a video on YouTube called "Employable Me" where it featured someone on the autism spectrum who struggled on an cess they need to take to be considered for the task. They did not pass because of a question they could not understand. It feels similar almost jobs are made for the neurotypicals and non united states of america.

I matter that was a huge issue for me is all applications ask for your piece of work history. The person may not know what to put downwardly if they've never had a task. I simply didn't know how to complete the work history. The only thing I had done was when I was in high schoolhouse, I was in the music program and everyone in the music section (band, choir etc.) was required to help out at a Jazz Band Fest. This was from 2011-2012. This could be besides far dorsum as most places probably look for more contempo experience. If my feel was from 2015-2016 maybe I would take had a hazard. Nigh applications crave you to have references. The bidder may not have any friends to put down. I applied to Culver's and didn't get a call because I have no references (and fast-nutrient places hire anyone).

Resume Screening

I follow some autism pages and one page posted a graphic about discrimination against us in the workplace. The graphics mention how gaps in employment or if the person had several jobs that were simply held for a short fourth dimension can cast bad judgment on us. Gaps in employment probably refer to the person's struggle with finding a task perchance after quitting a task that didn't work out. The several jobs refer to how nosotros struggle to hold down a job and is fired after Ten amount of time. Nigh probable if the interviewer/manager sees the person had 10 jobs but only had them for a calendar month or less, this makes the interviewer think the person wasn't fit for the jobs. That person is qualified to the tee for the job. They were fired because their differences weren't accepted or for other reasons.

The Task's Setting

I've mentioned that the setting of the job tin play a big role in our ability to perform the chore. ASD people take sensory issues. These can vary. Some are sensitive to light, cold, hot, unwanted physical contact etc. If the jobs have a lot of people, it's possible these sensory issues will be a problem. Take Walmart, it'southward only to busy and fast-paced for me to work at. Likewise many people, too many things happening to be able to focus on the job. Information technology would be impossible to focus on a task and a kid is screaming around me. Not all of the states tin afford noise-canceling headphones. I feel some autism pages should have a giveaway for dissonance-canceling headphones or if the aspie has a YouTube channel/ blog, the page should requite them the headphones for free in exchange for a review/mentioning the headphones.

Workplace Bullying

Due to our social differences, nosotros are targets for bullying. In fact, we have issues with bullying in school. By kids and adults. I got bullied for being different and only need an alternative method. I would get chosen names past the NTs for not agreement their language. Kids I had never seen earlier hated me all all of a sudden. I wasn't given a change all because these kids listened to what people told them about me. We can be bullied to quitting the job. Employers can even harass u.s.a.. Someone posted in a grouping that their boss made a snarky mark nigh their autism. They could not quit because they had no other mode to pay their bills. Noone, I mean NO ONE should have to be treated desperately so they can live. This is why I am all for self-employment for autistic adults.

Lack Of Communication

When it comes to autistics, yous accept to add more than context when giving them commands or explaining something. For case 'Joe needs the record' will non cutting it. I saw another graphic on Facebook that explains if you merely go out i-liners with no context it may seem like a passive statement more than than a request. If you do not provide context like 'please take out the garbage in a minute' we volition non recollect it's important. Anybody is different, recall that. This can be extremely problematic if the boss were to give the states a task but not provide those extra details. Say the boss says 'Joe needs help in the and so and so department,' if the boss does not say now, at iii o'clock the employee will not recall Joe needs assist right away. As a result the boss may go angry that the employee did not assist Joe when asked.

Discrimination In the Work Place

Airtight-minded employers tin as well make a person'due south stay at the job short… or cease them in their tracks. The Aspie tells their employer near their autism to request the accommodations that they need to function. In nigh cases, the Aspie is fired upon revealing their diagnosis. It does sound like a personal attack considering the worker has autism. In other cases, the person is harassed and they quit every bit a result. I was on Reddit and a person posted that they were fired for existence autistic. I feel information technology's more than of their autism habits beingness read the wrong style, being found abrasive by other workers and the dominate fires the employee due to too many complaints/reports.

Not Working Fast Plenty

The employee not being fast plenty for the employer can also make keeping the job hard. Which is why nosotros need jobs where ASD people can get at their ain pace without existence bashed for 'moving as well tiresome.' Most jobs care more about efficiency than quality. Which is a messed up organisation. Customers can also mutter nigh you lot not moving fast enough. That rules out fast-food for the states (or me at least) since you demand to exist quick. Hence what information technology'southward chosen FAST food. Some of u.s.a. can handle fast-nutrient, some can't. I feel jobs that care about efficiency are not for some of us. I experience jobs that intendance about quality are for united states of america. me personally, I rather someone accept ii hours to clean my room and information technology's dandy than to rush and do it in 20 minutes and it'south merely as messy equally when the person started. Not anybody thinks like that.

Unable To Get Past The Interview

Why practice we struggle with interviews? Well, at that place are several reasons why. The person can take the questions too literally. The question 'tell me nearly yourself' could be the reason why we struggle with the interview. This question most likely is, to sum upward, your previous employment or how you experience you fit the job. The person will think the tell me well-nigh yourself question is, to sum upward, some facts about them like where they're from. When a friend wants yous to tell them nigh yourself, they desire to know some interesting things near y'all. We take things literally, therefore, we may answer the questions too literally. I talk about this in a video on YouTube. It takes usa a chip to process and understand your question. If the interviewer sees the person taking as well long to answer the questions, this tin can count against them. Sometimes anxiety gets to the person and it causes them to mess up the interview. Sometimes an unexpected question can pop up and the person does non know how to answer it. The interviewer will non know the interviewee has autism, therefore the interviewee'south behavior will likely be read as they are not interested in the job.

My proposal

If you are an independent game developer, app programmer, programmer etc. rent u.s.. Hire autistic adults to exist on your team. Even if you start united states of america off with testing your app or game and giving you feedback. I feel that is a reasonable task to start with. For instance, nosotros can write an article about your game to become people hyped about information technology. Say yous take an interview, we can write a written version. Make sure to give us a script from the interview. I am asking you to help the states.

Some of us struggle to observe or agree down jobs. Some of us tin can't be independent due to not existence able to proceed a job. Call up about how happy nosotros volition be that you lot decided to get in work for us when no ane else did. Remember nigh it, solo/minor game devs don't have the tools that larger companies have, especially when it comes to promotion. Simply hiring someone to write articles promoting your game can really help yous. You don't have the large crew to assistance promote your game. Therefore it will be beneficial to hire freelance writers. I too wrote a book well-nigh autism and employment. You tin can get it at world wide

-The book can help yous in many ways. You're a parent and y'all found out your son/daughter has autism. It'southward very important to know the possible struggles they'll face on a task.

-Maybe you're a college student and you have to write a report on a mental disorder and the volume you need is too expensive.

-Maybe you lot desire to present a case on how we struggle with jobs and need a volume for a guild.

-Maybe y'all're an employer looking to get in piece of work for united states of america merely with no idea how this book provides information on the struggles we face in the typical workplace.

This book can be helpful in more ways than one.

Information technology's time things alter. I strongly experience if in that location were more jobs for u.s., nosotros tin can thrive.


Aaliyah HoltI write blogs about autism to brainwash people as to how autism affects us. I found out I had autism when I was fourteen. On my weblog, I showcase my struggles to thrive in a globe that makes no sense to me.


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